Inverse Image electronic authoring  and visual media content 

Support visuals for communicators using digital media

Photography and video convey a lot of information. The quality of these elements says a lot about your business. Good design and creative images hold the attention of your target audience in a way that animated Powerpoint elements simply can't achieve.

Inverse Image provides flexible creative services geared to the requirements of digital delivery. Visual media elements to use in your own productions.

We have also been providing authoring of interactive presentations for clients since 1993 so we understand your needs. From original photography, image scanning and conversion, graphics animation and digital illustration. 

Whether your requirements are in staff training, technical support delivery or product promotion we will deliver the right creative solution. If you're involved with in-house authoring we provide the specific skill areas needed for successful and memorable high impact productions.

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© 1998 Neil Mitchell
revision date 19th October 2011